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Our Teenagers and Suicidal Symptoms....!

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Suicide is the leading cause of death to teenagers in several countries worldwide. The mean suicide rate for this age group (15-19), based on data available for the latest year and was 7.4/100.000. Suicide rates were higher in males (10.5) than in females (4.1). This applies in almost all countries. The teen years are an anxious or unsettling period as boys and girls face the difficulties of transition into youth and adulthood. It is a period in life that is often confusing, leaving teens feeling isolated from families and relying on their peers. Unfortunately, some may at one point or another commit suicide as a permanent answer to the problems that are more often than just temporary.

Causes of teenage suicide are that; most of them are challenged by their family lifestyle, which is unstable and lack of financial muscles. Some are troubled by love at early years and have difficulties to handle rejections from different opposite sex and the bulling has essentially given them the reason to end their life. These mentioned situations are most common to make a teen consider suicide.

The same emotional state that makes adults vulnerable to consider suicide also applies to teens. Over one million people die by suicide worldwide each year. The global suicide rate is 16 per 100.000 population, on average, one person dies by suicide every 40 seconds somewhere in the world and 1.8% of worldwide death are suicides. Those with good support networks e.g. amongst their families and peers are likely to have a good communication to help them deal with their feelings. Others without such network are more concerned during their emotional changes and may feel that they are all alone in times of trouble. Apart from the normal pressure of teen life, specific circumstances can contribute to an adolescent consideration of suicide. It is especially difficult when adolescents are confronted with problems that are out of their control, such as divorce, a new family formation e.g. step mother or step father and alcoholism in their home.

Many suicides are committed by people who are depressed and needed more attention.

Symptoms or warning signs and risk factors are that; suicidal tendencies don’t just appear out of the blue, people usually display a number of warning signs for couple of months or more than a year. When things seems to go wrong in their lives, they simply give up hope , because they think committing suicide is the best and only permanent answer. And sometimes we ignore them not knowing that they need our help. We need to support our teenagers or other family members and give them attention, making sure that we care about them….!

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